Damien’s favorite wine varietal, hands down, is Cabernet Franc because "if blue had a wine taste it would be Cab Franc, deep and inky." He loves that it goes amazing with any kind of steak, but especially one with a blue cheese topping. When choosing wine for himself, he tends to stay away from the big flashy wines and goes for the smaller, less known juice. What Damien loves about wine, is what he loves about food, it brings people together plus it’s a social lubricant. It’s a community builder. What Damien hates about wine is the fake pageantry: the swirl and the sniff. He acknowledges it does something, but what is important is the juice. He doesn’t need to one-up anyone. And now he needs more wine!
When it comes to food, Damien loves all things burrito and taco, but a really, really killer carne asada burrito is his absolute favorite. It is usually the first or second thing he’ll try when trying a new place. He started his burrito exploration along the beach in California as a kid, and going to town on a burrito after surfing. He is not a fan of Indian food, though he keeps trying it again and again wanting to like it.
Damien’s favorite cocktail is an amazingly made Margarita. His Margarita must be real, no mixes just fresh squeezed citrus juice and quality tequila (no Cuervo!), everything in the right ratios.